Inaugurating AAAR: the Arts and Humanities Advisors to the American Academy in Rome

Inaugurating ‘AAAR’: the Arts and Humanities Advisors to the American Academy in Rome
Roman Forum: Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, from within S. Lorenzo in Miranda
Inaugurating ‘AAAR’: the Arts and Humanities Advisors to the American Academy in Rome
Tuesday 12 October 2010: current AAR Fellows gather for the introduction of the inaugural class of Arts and Humanities Advisors
Inaugurating ‘AAAR’: the Arts and Humanities Advisors to the American Academy in Rome
12 October 2010: AAAR Richard Trythall (FAAR’67, RAAR’71, and long-time music liaison to the Academy) with AAR Director Christopher S. Celenza (FAAR’94)
Inaugurating ‘AAAR’: the Arts and Humanities Advisors to the American Academy in Rome
From left, AAAR Claudia La Malfa, Christopher S. Celenza, AAAR (and veteran archaeology liaison) Gianni Ponti
Inaugurating ‘AAAR’: the Arts and Humanities Advisors to the American Academy in Rome
Introducing her work to current Fellows, AAAR Lila Yawn (FAAR’98)
Inaugurating ‘AAAR’: the Arts and Humanities Advisors to the American Academy in Rome
Inaugurating ‘AAAR’: the Arts and Humanities Advisors to the American Academy in Rome
AAAR Patrizia Cavazzini with Christopher S. Celenza

The American Academy in Rome is one of the leading American overseas centers for independent study and advanced research in the arts and humanities. Each year, through a national juried competition, the Academy offers up to thirty Rome Prize fellowships in eleven arts and humanities fields. These Fellows (designated on the completion of their term as FAAR) are joined by a select group of senior scholars and artists as Residents (RAAR) invited by the Academy. Also working in the community on academic and artistic projects are US and international affiliate program members (Affiliated Fellows), and a number of Visiting Artists and Scholars.

In an initiative spearheaded by AAR Director Christopher S. Celenza, FAAR’94, the American Academy is working to revise the system by which Fellows, Residents and affiliates in the scholarly and artistic disciplines gain access to local expertise while they are in Rome. That has led to the creation of the new designation AAAR—Advisors of the American Academy in Rome.

A word of explanation. Up until the current year, the Academy has relied on a small number of liaison positions (specifically in the arts and archeology). However, instead the Academy recently has assembled a flexible network of arts and humanities Advisors (including veteran liaisons) to whom this community can turn for information and guidance.

This network includes scholars, artists, writers, galleristi and others—all based or largely based in Rome—whom the American Academy is engaging generally for their high level of accomplishment and good counsel, and in some cases also for specific projects.

Below is a list (still in formation) of the inaugural Arts and Humanities Advisors to the American Academy in Rome for the 2010-11 year.

Cinzia Abbate: Architecture

Jeffrey Blanchard (FAAR‘79): Renaissance and Baroque architecture

Piero Boitani: Literary criticism

Maurizio Campanelli: Latin literature and philology

Alberta Campitelli: Italian villas and gardens

Patrizia Cavazzini: Baroque art and architecture

Luciana Festa: Conservation

Pepi Marchetti Franchi: Contemporary international art and art galleries in Rome

Sebastiano Gentile: History of philosophy

Claudia La Malfa: Renaissance art

Peter Benson Miller: Contemporary international art and art galleries in Rome

Lorcan O’Neill: Contemporary international art and art galleries in Rome

Gianni Ponti: Archaeology

Tuccio Sante Guido: Conservation

Alexander (Sandro) Stille: Reporting on contemporary Italy

Richard Trythall (FAAR’67, RAAR’71): Musical Composition

Carlo Vigevano: Architecture

Lila Yawn (FAAR’98): Medieval studies

Kevin Walz (FAAR’95): Design arts

Press inquiries

Andrew Mitchell

Director of Communications

212-751-7200, ext. 342

a.mitchell [at] (a[dot]mitchell[at]aarome[dot]org)

Maddalena Bonicelli

Rome Press Officer

+39 335 6857707

m.bonicelli.ext [at] (m[dot]bonicelli[dot]ext[at]aarome[dot]org)