General Information & Application
What is offered if I win a Rome Prize Fellowship?
Rome Prize winners are invited to Rome to immerse themselves in the Academy community where they will enjoy a once in a lifetime opportunity to expand their own professional, artistic, or scholarly pursuits, drawing on their colleagues’ erudition and experience and on the inestimable resources that Italy, Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Academy have to offer.
Each Rome Prize winner is provided with a stipend, a bedroom with private bath, and a private workspace. Additionally, winners are invited to participate in the Rome Sustainable Food Project, which provides lunch and dinner, Monday through Friday, at no cost. Those with children under eighteen live in subsidized apartments nearby. Winners of half-term and full-term fellowships receive stipends of $16,000 and $30,000, respectively.
Who is eligible for the Rome Prize?
Applicants for Rome Prize fellowships must be United States citizens at the time of application, EXCEPT for those applying for the National Endowment for the Humanities postdoctoral fellowship in ancient studies, medieval studies, Renaissance and early modern studies, and/or modern Italian studies. US citizens and those foreign nationals who have lived in the US for the three years immediately preceding the application deadline may apply for the NEH postdoctoral fellowships. Additionally, undergraduate students are not eligible for Rome Prize Fellowships, and previous winners of the Rome Prize are not eligible to reapply.
May I submit more than one application?
Applicants may submit applications to multiple categories for an additional fee. The applicant must complete separate application forms for each category. Applicants may not submit more than one application in any one category (i.e., do not submit separate applications for sculpture and painting, only one visual arts application will be accepted).
Is the fellowship open to applicants who work collaboratively?
Collaborating artists and/or scholars may submit joint applications provided that the work is genuinely collaborative in nature as demonstrated by the materials submitted. In the case of joint applications, each individual must meet all eligibility requirements. Joint applications must be submitted in one dossier with one of the collaborators serving as the primary applicant. Joint applicants selected as winners will each receive the full Rome Prize offering (i.e., individual room, a full stipend, a private workspace, and an invitation to join the Rome Sustainable Food Project for meals.)
Additionally, this year the American Academy in Rome is pleased to introduce a pilot Rome Prize dedicated to the Environmental Arts & Humanities, designed specifically for collaborative efforts. We encourage applications from artists and scholars working jointly on projects that help expand our understanding of the way human beings relate to, experience, or process their encounters with the natural world. Collaborative pairs may include artists of any sort (visual, digital, architectural, musical, literary, textile, performance) and scholars in any field (past, present, future, natural world, human world). The two winners of this Rome Prize will each receive a full stipend, their own individual living space, and will be invited to join the Rome Sustainable Food Project for meals. The winners will share a workspace. Applicants must demonstrate a preexisting working partnership to be considered for this fellowship and, as with all Rome Prize Fellowships, applicants have to make clear why this work needs to be done in Rome.
When is the Rome Prize application deadline?
The deadline for applying is November 1. We offer an extended deadline of November 15 for an additional fee. No applications will be accepted after November 15.
Do you accept late applications?
We offer an extended deadline until November 15 for an additional fee. No applications will be accepted after November 15.
What is the schedule of the fellowship?
Full-term fellowships generally run from early September through June of the following year. Winners of half-term fellowships may request to begin in September or February.
Should the project proposal be related to Rome?
In the case of scholars, preference is given to applicants for whom research time in Italy, and especially in the city of Rome, is essential. For artists, a demonstration of a need to be in Rome, or Italy, is NOT strictly necessary; jurors, however, tend to respond especially positively to proposals of projects that would clearly benefit from time in Rome or Italy.
Should the material submitted for review be related to Rome?
Material submitted for review does not need to be related to Rome. The primary criterion for the Rome Prize is excellence. Applicants should send examples of their strongest recent work.
When do you notify the applicants?
All applicants will be notified by mid-March.
If not selected, may I apply again?
We encourage applicants to apply again if not selected. Academy juries change every year, and a previous application in no way compromises an applicant’s chances of winning a future fellowship. Many Rome Prize Fellows have applied more than once before being selected.
Residential Life
What type of accommodations are provided?
Each Rome Prize winner is provided a living space and a private workspace. Residential spaces are allocated based on the number of people who will be living long term with the Rome Prize winner.
The standard offering for a single Rome Prize winner is a single room with a twin or full-size bed, a private bathroom, and a separate study or studio, all at no cost.
Rome Prize winners with a spouse or registered domestic partner will be assigned a double room with a queen-sized bed, a private bathroom, and a separate study or studio. A nominal fee will be charged for bringing an adult spouse/partner.
Rome Prize winners with minor children will be assigned a multibedroom apartment in a building adjacent to the Academy and also be provided with a separate study or studio. Discounted monthly rent will be charged for family lodging.
May I bring my family with me to Rome?
The American Academy in Rome warmly welcomes spouses/partners and minor children of Rome Prize winners. The Academy is one of few institutions of its kind with special facilities and support for families. We consider families to be an important part of our social fabric.
All Rome Prize winners should bear in mind that fellowships are funded to support a single individual who is the winner of the Rome Prize. Those who come with families should be aware that they may incur additional costs, including:
- Additional rental/living costs
- Food/meals (meals are available at AAR at discounted prices)
- Education (fees, tuition, etc.)
- Childcare
Enrolling children in school and arranging for childcare is the responsibility of the Rome Prize winner. AAR can provide information about schools and childcare services in Rome.* The Academy can also provide a special orientation for families before and after they arrive in Rome.
* Please note that matriculation into the Italian public school system is very complex and requests may not be granted. Most families choose the Italian or English private school options.
Will my spouse/partner be given a workspace?
Unfortunately, AAR cannot provide private workspaces for spouses/partners.
May I bring my pet?
Animals are NOT permitted at the American Academy in Rome. Anyone arriving with an animal will be asked to find outside kennel accommodation.
Are meals provided?
Rome Prize winners are invited to participate in the Rome Sustainable Food Project for lunch and dinner on Monday through Friday at no cost. Meals for spouses/partners and/or children are offered at a discounted rate. See the Rome Sustainable Food Project section below for more information.
Are the Academy buildings accessible?
We strive to accommodate fellows with physical challenges; however, due to the historic nature of our physical plant we may not be able to suitably accommodate everyone. The city of Rome may also present increased complications due to uneven pathways, infrastructures, etc. Please reach out to us if you have any concerns and would like to speak in more detail about accessibility at the American Academy in Rome.
Is travel to Rome provided?
Rome Prize winners are required to pay for their own travel to Rome. Winners will receive their first stipend payment four to six weeks before the start of their fellowship. This payment is substantially larger than subsequent payments to help with the costs of travel.
Is health insurance included?
The Academy requires each Rome Prize winner and accompanying persons to have health insurance coverage and hospitalization insurance, including major medical. Proof of insurance must be provided before the fellowship begins.
Is speaking Italian a requirement?
Speaking Italian is not required for Rome Prize applicants, but living in Rome may be facilitated by some basic Italian language skills. The Academy provides a subsidized intensive Italian course to Rome Prize winners shortly after their arrival.
May I work while in Rome?
Rome Prize winners may not hold full-time jobs during their fellowship. The Academy recognizes in some instances that a winner may find it necessary to supplement their income with other awards, or that they may be commissioned to complete scholarly or artistic work while in Rome. Please note that winners must apply for a study visa sponsored by AAR for the Rome Prize and cannot concurrently hold a work visa. Winners of the Rome Prize may hold other fellowships concurrently, as long as the requirements do not conflict with the winner’s full participation in the Academy community. Applicants are required to disclose all fellowships and awards they expect to hold during their proposed residency in Rome, including sabbatical pay.
Are Rome Prize winners permitted to be away during their fellowships?
The Academy requires Rome Prize winners to avoid taking on obligations that will necessitate their leaving Rome for extended periods during their fellowship term. Recipients of a half-term fellowship may be absent for no more than three weeks during their fellowship; recipients of a full-term fellowship may be absent for no more than six weeks. Absences of greater duration may result in a reduction of the fellowship stipend, or the termination of the fellowship and the loss of fellowship title, benefits, and status.
What are the expectations of Rome Prize winners while in residence at the Academy?
Rome Prize winners are expected to reside at the Academy and participate in our intellectual and community life. During orientation, Rome Prize winners give a five-minute presentation explaining their Rome Prize project. During their fellowship term, they give a shoptalk—a twenty-minute presentation about their current work—and attend those of others. Before departure, Rome Prize winners are required to submit a one-page final report describing the outcomes of their artistic or scholarly pursuits while at the Academy and are asked to complete a questionnaire about day-to-day life at AAR.
How does the American Academy in Rome promote a safe space?
The Academy is a professional community at all times. Our policy strictly prohibits conduct that is harassing, discriminatory, or retaliatory. The Academy is committed to a living and working environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, and are free from harassment of any type, including but not limited to violence or physical harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and/or discriminatory conduct or language that is based on an individual’s race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, or disability.
Work & Research at AAR
What work facilities are provided for Rome Prize winners?
Rome Prize winners will be assigned workspaces according to their individual needs. In general, Rome Prize winners in the arts will be assigned a studio, and scholars will be assigned offices.
What should I expect regarding my assigned workspace?
Office/writing spaces are equipped with a desk, chair, bookcase, and table lamp.
Artist studios are equipped with tables and chairs, a sink, and a basic toolkit. Drafting tables and easels are available on request. Rome Prize winners will need to bring, or purchase in Rome, any tools and materials necessary for their work. We may be able to help Rome Prize winners find the tools and materials they need.
Studios for composers are equipped with a piano, a digital 88-key Keystation (with pedal and stand), a small mixer, and active speakers.
Does AAR have a darkroom for photography, a printshop, or a woodworking facility?
The Academy does not have any of these facilities. We may be able to help Rome Prize winners find the facilities needed to complete their work.
Do Rome Prize winners have access to the AAR Library?
Upon completion of a library orientation, Rome Prize winners are given twenty-four-hour access to the main library at AAR. The library’s front desk is staffed Mondays through Fridays, from 9:00am to 6:00pm.
Does AAR have other research facilities?
In addition to our library, AAR offers the following resources:
Photographic Archive: The photographic collections of the Academy hold over 100,000 images and include specialized collections on archaeology, architecture and art, landscape architecture and gardens, and the history of the Academy.
Norton-Van Buren Archaeological Study Collection: The Academy has a rich collection of archaeological artifacts, ranging from inscriptions to ceramics and sculpture, donated during the early part of the institution’s history.
Archaeological Archive: The Archaeological Archive contains the paper archive documenting the Academy’s excavations, principally at Cosa (Ansedonia, Tuscany) and the Regia (Roman Forum). The archive further includes materials from projects at Gabii (Lazio) and Pompeii.
Rome Sustainable Food Project
What is the Rome Sustainable Food Project?
The Rome Sustainable Food Project (RSFP) is a participatory eco-gastronomic endeavor that supports the mission of the Academy. The RSFP kitchen cooks seasonally and sustainably. Menus are inspired by the seasonal and organic produce of local farmers and the cooking techniques of Rome and Lazio.
The central mission of the Rome Sustainable Food Project, founded in 2006 under the guidance of Alice Waters, is to nourish and support both work and conviviality at the AAR community table.
Will the RSFP cater to my specific dietary request?
Due to its capacity and structure, the RSFP may not be able to accommodate specific religious or medical dietary restrictions or requests.
Do Rome Prize winners pay for meals provided by the RSFP?
All Rome Prize winners are invited to lunch and dinner, Monday through Friday, at no cost. Meals for spouses/partners and children are offered at discounted rates.
Are the spouses/partners and children of Rome Prize winners invited to meals?
Spouses/partners are welcome to attend all meals, lunch and dinner Monday through Friday. Children may join their parents for lunch, Monday through Friday, and for dinners on Wednesday and Friday. Other dinners are more formal and geared toward having guests from outside the Academy community.
Does the RSFP prepare meals on weekends?
The RSFP does not serve meals on Saturday or Sunday, nor breakfast any day. There are several communal kitchens for preparing breakfast and meals on weekends.
Is the RSFP a restaurant?
The RSFP is neither a restaurant nor a cafeteria. The kitchen prepares food for the same group of people daily with a keen awareness to nutritional balance, intelligent eating, and conscious consumption.
Are Rome Prize winners required to take meals from the RSFP?
Working from the premise that food builds society, the Academy expects Rome Prize winners to participate regularly in our communal dining experience. We recognize that Rome Prize winners may need to miss lunch if their Roman work site is too far away to return, but apart from that missing the community’s meals is strongly discouraged.
Are Rome Prize winners required to work with the RSFP?
Rome Prize winners are welcome to simply enjoy the meals. Those interested in learning more about the project will have opportunities to volunteer in the kitchen or garden.