Marilynn Desmond

Marilynn Desmond

National Endowment for the Humanities Post-Doctoral Rome Prize
8 settembre 2014–9 marzo 2015
University Distinguished Professor, Departments of English and Comparative Literature, Binghamton University-SUNY
Titolo del progetto
The Fall of Troy and the Origins of Europe: Homer and the Medieval West
Descrizione del progetto

I propose to complete a book project entitled The Fall of Troy and the Origins of Europe: Homer and the Medieval West. This book traces the reception of the matter of Troy in the medieval Latin West. In the absence of the Homeric epics, the Troy narrative was transmitted by two Latin summaries of non-Homeric, ancient Greek narratives on Troy; these summaries—attributed to Dares and Dictys—formed the basis for the extensive textual traditions on the Trojan War in medieval vernaculars, particularly in French texts produced in Italy (especially in the Angevin Kingdom in Naples) in the fourteenth century. In order to complete the research for this manuscript, I need to work intensively with several manuscripts in the Vatican Library. By tracing the continuities between the ancient, medieval, and humanist traditions of the Troy narratives, I demonstrate the centrality of the medieval, non-Homeric, textual traditions on the matter of Troy to the emergence of Renaissance humanism.