Corinna Gosmaro

Installation view of Corinna Gosmaro’s Piccolo paesaggio and Rendez-vous (rope ladder) at AAR’s 2020 exhibition Cinque Mostre: Convergence (photograph by Giorgio Benni)
Corinna Gosmaro
Triggering the loop
Corinna Gosmaro’s work reflects on the timeless characteristics of human beings, as cultural and global entities. Her practice moves between the border of painting and all other media: where cultural paradigms, domestic scenarios, and evocation of landscapes converge in the creation of a proxemic universe that highlights the loops in which we find ourselves organized.
This talk presents her research in general with a focus on TRIGGER, her ongoing research project started in 2017, that stems from the need to question the paradox inherent to the human condition: death and preservation drives are strictly linked.
Corinna Gosmaro, a Piemontese artist based in Paris, is the Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Italian Fellow in Visual Arts.
The shoptalk will be held in English.