Paula Matthusen – Modern Soundscapes, Ancient Structures: Sonic Pathways between the Ancient Aqueducts and Contemporary Rome

Fellow Shoptalks

Paula Matthusen – Modern Soundscapes, Ancient Structures: Sonic Pathways between the Ancient Aqueducts and Contemporary Rome

Paula Matthusen – Modern Soundscapes, Ancient Structures: Sonic Pathways Between the Ancient Aqueducts and Contemporary Rome

Paula Matthusen, Elliott Carter Rome Prize Fellow in Musical Composition and assistant professor of music at Wesleyan University, will give a shoptalk entitled Modern Soundscapes, Ancient Structures: Sonic Pathways between the Ancient Aqueducts and Contemporary Rome.

Giorno e ora
mercoledì 22 aprile 2015
AAR Lecture Room
McKim, Mead & White Building
Via Angelo Masina, 5
Roma, Italia