Cliff Ando & Bryan Ward-Perkins – Rome in Late Antiquity: Center or Periphery?


Cliff Ando & Bryan Ward-Perkins – Rome in Late Antiquity: Center or Periphery?

Cliff Ando and Bryan Ward-Perkins – Rome in Late Antiquity: Center or Periphery?

Two renown historians will address the question of Rome’s centrality or peripherality to the politics and cultural production of the late empire. Cliff Ando from the University of Chicago will discuss “Triumph in the Decentralized Empire,” and Bryan Ward-Perkins of Oxford University will present “Saints, Statues, and the Centrality of Rome in the Late-Antique World.”

These lectures will be given in English.

Giorno e ora
venerdì 22 maggio 2015
AAR Lecture Room
McKim, Mead & White Building
Via Angelo Masina, 5
Rome, Italia