Apply for a Rome Prize Fellowship

AAR invites applications for the annual Rome Prize competition!

For 130 years, AAR has awarded the Rome Prize to support innovative and cross-disciplinary work in the arts and humanities. Each year, fellowships are given to approximately thirty artists and scholars who represent the highest standard of excellence in their fields. Rome Prize winners, who receive a stipend, room and board, and individual workspace at AAR’s eleven-acre campus, are the core of the Academy’s residential community, which includes Italian Fellows, Residents, and Affiliated Artist and Scholars.

The application deadline is November 1, 2014, with an extended deadline of November 15 for an additional fee. To read the guidelines and begin your application, please visit the Apply section of our website.

Rome Prizes are awarded in the following disciplines:


Landscape Architecture
Musical Composition
Visual Arts


Ancient Studies
Historic Preservation and Conservation
Medieval Studies
Modern Italian Studies
Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
Tsao Family Rome Prize


Environmental Arts & Humanities

Please visit the Guidelines & Application webpages for the arts and the humanities for additional instructions. You may also read the Rome Prize FAQ to get a better idea of the application process and fellowship experience.


This year AAR introduces a pilot Rome Prize dedicated to the Environmental Arts & Humanities, designed specifically for collaborative efforts. We encourage applications from artists and scholars working jointly on projects that help expand our understanding of the way human beings relate to, experience, or process their encounters with the natural world. Collaborative pairs may include artists of any sort (visual, digital, architectural, musical, literary, textile, performance) and scholars in any field (past, present, future, natural world, human world). The two winners of this Rome Prize will each receive a full stipend, their own individual living space, and will be invited to join the Rome Sustainable Food Project for meals. The winners will share a workspace. Applicants must demonstrate a preexisting working partnership to be considered for this fellowship and, as with all Rome Prize Fellowships, applicants have to make clear why this work needs to be done in Rome.

Information Sessions

This fall, the American Academy in Rome will present two in-person information sessions about the Rome Prize. The first takes place at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia on September 24. The second will be presented at the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence on October 8.

AAR will also host two general online information sessions on Zoom on September 23 and October 15. A third virtual meeting, focused only on landscape architecture, will happen on October 16.

These information sessions give prospective applicants a general overview of the Rome Prize application process and a look into the experience of living in the American Academy’s unique residential community in Rome.

Press inquiries

David Resnicow/Hannah Holden

Resnicow and Associates


aar [at] (aar[at]resnicow[dot]com)

Maddalena Bonicelli

Rome Press Officer

+39 335 6857707

m.bonicelli.ext [at] (m[dot]bonicelli[dot]ext[at]aarome[dot]org)