Erica Hunt & Lina Pallota: In Good Company


Erica Hunt & Lina Pallota: In Good Company

Drawing on their extensive life and work experiences, Erica Hunt (2024 Fellow) and Lina Pallotta will discuss collaborations across various communities, including visual artists, poets, and musicians. They will share insights from their experiences at influential places like the Nuyorican Poets Cafe and the Poetry Project in the 1990s.


Erica Hunt is a poet and essayist. She is the author of five collections, the most recent of which is Jump the Clock, New and Selected Poems. A 2023-2024 recipient of the Joseph Brodsky Rome Prize in literature, she is the 2025 D’Angelo Humanities professor at St. John’s University and Poetry Editor at the Brooklyn Rail.

Lina Pallotta (b. 1955, San Salvatore Telesino, BN) is a photographer based in Rome. Throughout her photographic experience her gaze turns to marginal subjects, the ones irrelevant, and transparent to society and the media: her investigation focuses on trans experiences, working women, poets and underground artists—the exploited and marginalized.

Giorno e ora
martedì 18 giugno 2024
Palazzo delle Esposizioni
Via Nazionale, 194
Rome, Italia
Sponsor dell’evento

This event is organized by the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in collaboration with Baleno International and the American Academy in Rome, as part of the public program for Expodemic: Festival of Foreign Academies and Cultural Institutes.