Mark Bradford


Mark Bradford

Mark Bradford

Mark Bradford, a major figure in American contemporary art, is best known for his abstract canvases, performances and mixed-media collages. One of his works, Dive into Criticism (2014), is part of the permanent collection of the MAXXI.

In this event, presented jointly by the MAXXI and the American Academy in Rome, Bradford will discuss his personal and artistic development leading to the project realized for 57th Venice Biennale, currently on view. There, the United States Pavilion in the Giardini is entirely given over to his work Tomorrow is Another Day, reflecting Bradford's profound faith the the alchemical and transformative power of art and his own ongoing experimentations with material abstraction, as well as his dedicated work on behalf of marginalized communities.


Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, Director of MAXXI Arte
Kimberly Bowes, Director of the American Academy in Rome


Mark Bradford, artist
Hou Hanru, Arts Director at MAXXI

The event is organized with the support of the Embassy of the United States of America to Italy.

Giorno e ora
martedì 13 giugno 2017
Piazza Antonio Mancini, 55
Rome, Italia