Peter N. Miller – “The History of Rain and Fine Weather” Revisited: The View from the Top of the Gianicolo


Peter N. Miller – “The History of Rain and Fine Weather” Revisited: The View from the Top of the Gianicolo

View of Rome showing a jumbled cityscape with mountains and sky in the distance

A panorama of Rome from the Janiculum Hill (photograph © Mistervlad and licensed through Dreamstime)

Last year AAR President Peter N. Miller addressed the question what is “American” about the American Academy in Rome. The answer circled around “Transcendentalism”—Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller. One of their main themes was nature. And the role of nature in America was also recognized in the nineteenth century as a distinctly American feature. 

In this year’s lecture, Miller will talk specifically about weather and the American role in creating an understanding of weather. Diving into the weather is a multidisciplinary project that connects science, art history, history, and philosophy. It takes us back to today’s American Academy in Rome and prescribes for us a pilot project that we launch tonight into the future.

Peter N. Miller is President of the American Academy in Rome.

The lecture will be held in English.

This event, to be presented in person at the Academy, is closed to the public. It will, however, be streamed live on Zoom.

Giorno e ora
martedì 10 settembre 2024
AAR Lecture Room
McKim, Mead & White Building
Via Angelo Masina, 5
Roma, Italia

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