Remembering Malcolm Bell III


Remembering Malcolm Bell III

color photograph of men and woman sitting on an ancient staircase in Tunisia

Malcolm Bell (top center) on a 1995 trip to Tunisia; top from left: Laura Flusche, Leah Johnson, Richard Lim, Bell, Pam Gorgone, Karl Kirchwey, Katherine Jansen; bottom: Anders Wallace, Diana Minsky, Caroline Bruzelius, Anthony Corbeill, Gary Hilderbrand

The American Academy in Rome will host a seminar and concert honoring the life and work of the archaeologist Malcolm (“Mac”) Bell III, who died in January of this year. A 1970 Rome Prize Fellow, a 1989 Resident, and Professor-in-Charge of the School of Classical Studies from 1990 to 1996, Bell made extensive contributions to the Academy and beyond. Papers presented today will celebrate the range of his impact: from his time as humanities professor at AAR, to his longtime direction of the excavations of Morgantina on Sicily, to his historic work repatriating looted artifacts and negotiating a bilateral agreement between Italy and the United States aimed at curtailing illegal trade in Italian antiquities.

A cello concert by Malcolm Bell’s son, Raphael Bell, will follow the seminar. Raphael Bell is the leader of the cello section at the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra, co–artistic director of La Loingtaine in Montigny-sur-Loing, cofounder of the Camerata Fontainebleau, and founder and co–artistic director of the Charlottesville Chamber Music Festival in his Virginia hometown.



Allison Emmerson (2019 Fellow), Interim Andrew W. Mellon Humanities Professor

Rome and the American Academy

Caroline Bruzelius (1986 Fellow, 1989 Resident, 1994–98 Director), Anne Murnick Cogan Distinguished Professor Emerita of Art and Art History, Duke University
Malcolm Bell in Rome: Friend, Teacher, Leader

Anthony Corbeill (1995 Fellow), Basil L. Gildersleeve Professor of Classics, University of Virginia
The M(ac B)ellon Professorship at the AAR

Karl Kirchwey (1995 Fellow), Professor of English and Creative Writing, Boston University 
“The Horologium of Augustus” (poem)

Repatriation (part 1)

Claire Lyons (2022 Resident), Curator, Department of Antiquities, J. Paul Getty Museum
Nostos. Malcolm Bell and the Returns of Sicily’s Ancient Heritage

Tea Break

Repatriation (part 2)

Stefano De Caro, Director-General Emeritus, ICCROM
Restituzioni: 17 anni dopo la mostra “Nostoi”

Morgantina: The Site and the Volume

Alex Walthall (2013 Fellow), Associate Professor, University of Texas; Director of the American Excavations at Morgantina
A Lifetime of Stories from Serra Orlando: Mac Bell & the American Excavations at Morgantina

Pietro Giovanni Guzzo, Accademia dei Lincei
Malcolm Bell e l’agora di Morgantina

Cello Concert: Raphael Bell

J. S. Bach
Suite No. 1 in G major
Prelude - Allemande - Courante - Sarabande - Minuet I & II - Gigue

Elliott Carter (1953 Fellow, 1968 Resident)
Figment for solo cello (1994)

J. S. Bach
Suite No. 2 in D minor
Prelude - Allemande - Courante - Sarabande - Minuet I & II - Gigue


Giorno e ora
giovedì 30 maggio 2024
AAR Lecture Room and Cryptoporticus
McKim, Mead & White Building
Via Angelo Masina, 5
Rome, Italia

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