Color photograph of a light skinned woman with curly hair and wearing glasses, smiling at the camera

Donna Cohen

University of Florida Affiliated Fellow
26 febbraio–22 marzo 2024
Associate Professor and Director of Global Education, School of Architecture, University of Florida
Titolo del progetto
Donald Judd: Five Architectural Works outside Marfa
Descrizione del progetto

During my time in Rome, I plan to write and make small models to study light.

I will look at the work of the Italian-born architect Lauretta Vinciarelli (1943–2011), a theorist, teacher, artist, and collaborator of the American artist Donald Judd (1928–1994), particularly her evocations of light in imagined spaces. Early in my career I assisted Vinciarelli and Judd on several architectural projects, more recently documented with my partner, the architect Claude Armstrong (1952–2020), for the exhibition Obdurate Space: Architecture of Donald Judd. Collecting and expanding on this show, with the architect Judith Birdsong, I am writing “Donald Judd: Five Architectural Works outside Marfa,” which includes built work and my understanding of the collaborative process.

Guided by Vinciarelli’s watercolors, I will model light studies for a new Sanctuary building.