Gala di New York del 2024
Bidding is now open on our 2024 Experience Packages that are available until the close of the gala. A live auction will take place at the event.
Gala Co-Chairs
Marilynn Davis, Trustee
Mary Margaret Jones, FAAR’98, RAAR’20,’23, Trustee Emerita
Honorary Gala Chair
H. E. Mariangela Zappia, Ambassador of Italy to the United States
Honorary Co-Chairs
Cary Davis
Katharine J. Rayner
Centennial Medal Honorees
Terence Blanchard
Carlo Ginzburg
Jenny Holzer, RAAR’04
Thursday, November 14
7:00 PM Cocktails and Hors d’Oeuvres
8:00 PM Seated Dinner and Program
10:00 PM After Party (Dessert and Dancing)
Menu advised by Alice Waters.
Black Tie
The New York Public Library
Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
Bartos Forum
Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street
New York City
After Party Committee
Mason Bates, FAAR’04
Lisa C. Bielawa, FAAR’10
E. V. Day, FAAR’17
Phu Hoang, FAAR’17
John N. Hopkins, FAAR’09
Evan L. Jewell, FAAR’23
Alexandra Kleeman, FAAR’21
Jennifer A. Pastore, FAAR’22
Monica Rhodes, FAAR’23
Host Committee
Suzanne Deal Booth
Susanna Borghese
Martin Brody, RAAR’02
Vincent J. Buonanno
Mary Burnham
Anna and Bill Cameron
Stephen Cassell, RAAR’24 and Alexa Mulvihill
Cary Davis and John McGinn
Marilynn Davis
Sharon Davis
E. V. Day, FAAR’17 and Ted Lee
Eleanore and Domenico De Sole
Mary and Howard S. Frank
Bart Friedman and Wendy A. Stein
Stephen Greenblatt and Ramie Targoff
Agnes Gund
Bunny Harvey, FAAR’76
Elizabeth McGowan and Guy Hedreen, FAAR’94
Michelle Hobart
Caroline Howard Hyman
J & AR Foundation
Mary Margaret Jones, FAAR’98, RAAR’20,’23
Diane and Matthew Josefowicz
Rachel and Mike Judlowe
Susan and David Kertzer, RAAR’00
Suzanne Bocanegra, FAAR’91 and David Lang, FAAR’91, RAAR’17
Diane Britz Lotti
Carol Mancusi-Ungaro, FAAR’22
Michael A. Manfredi, RAAR’19 and Marion Weiss, RAAR’19
Blythe Alison-Mayne and Thom Mayne
The John P. and Anne Welsh McNulty Foundation
Audrey and Danny Meyer
Peter N. Miller
Alexandra Munroe
Lynn Nottage, RAAR’23 and Tony Gerber
Townes Lavidge Osborn and Robert S. Marquis
Michael C. J. Putnam and Kenneth Gaulin
Katharine J. Rayner
Samuelle and John Richardson
The Sapinsley Levy Family Fund
Michael Straus
Calvin Tsao, RAAR’10
Suzy and Sadek Wahba
Lorraine and Adam Weinberg, RAAR’20,’23
Sydney Houghton Weinberg
Tod C. Williams, FAAR’83
Fred Wilson and Whitfield Lovell
Tables and tickets may be purchased below or by calling 212-751-7200, ext. 352.
Galas passato
Scopri di più sui benefici dell’Accademia passati, tra cui il McKim Medal Gala, il New York Gala e i Cabaret.