Aleksandar Bošković
Aleksandar Bošković is a scholar of Russian and East European modernism, as well as Yugoslav, post-Yugoslav, and Balkan studies. He specializes in avant-garde literature and experimental art practices through the lenses of comparative media, critical theory, and visual studies. His current projects include Bioscopic Book: Slavic Avant-Garde Cinépoetry, an anthology of longer narrative poems accompanied by photography or photomontages published across Soviet Russia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia between the two world wars. At the Academy, he began researching the influence of Italian Futurism on Czech and Yugoslav avant-garde cinépoetry. He is investigating how Marinetti’s concepts of “telegraphic poetry,” “wireless imagination,” and “liberated words”—alongside Futurism’s fascination with industrial and mechanical inventions in general, and machine-art in particular—may have been pivotal in the development of innovative cinematic forms, specifically the interwar photo-poetry books of East Central Europe.