Color photograph of the face of a light skinned woman with red hair in a photographer's studio

Aurelia D’Antonio

Donald and Maria Cox Pre-Doctoral Rome Prize
9 settembre 2009–30 luglio 2010
PhD Candidaate, Department of Art, Art History, and Visual Studies, Duke University
Titolo del progetto
Throwing Stones at Friars: The Church of San Francesco in Piacenza
Descrizione del progetto

The city of Piacenza in northern Italy offers a remarkable example of the impact of an architectural project on the political, urban, and economic fabric of a medieval city. The ambitious design of the church of San Francesco causes us to rethink the traditional history of mendicant architecture; its patronage complicates the relationship between church and state in the late Middle Ages. My dissertation proposes that the Franciscans and their church both reflected and stimulated changes in the economic structures of the protocapitalist city. Taking into account contemporary documents, I will illuminate the building’s impact on the city’s institutions and individuals. As an historian of medieval architecture and urbanism, I will demonstrate how the Franciscan construction and bold architectural choices participated in the reordering of the political and urban topography of Piacenza, reconfiguring the city’s tenuous balance between religious and civic institutions, while creating a new civic center.