Color photograph of the head and torso of a light skinned woman wearing glass and standing in a dark wood-paneled room with stained glass windows

Eleanor M. Rust

Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Pre-Doctoral Rome Prize
3 settembre 2007–1 agosto 2008
PhD Candidate, Department of Classics, University of Southern California
Titolo del progetto
Ex Angulis Secretisque Librorum: Reading, Writing, and Using Miscellaneous Knowledge in the Noctes Atticae
Descrizione del progetto

My dissertation examines collecting, deploying, and ordering knowledge in Aulus Gellius’s second-century Latin “miscellany,” the Noctes Atticae. This project is divided into three parts that address questions of the use of knowledge within the Noctes Atticae, its relationship with alternative ancient systems of ordering knowledge, and its repurposing by later readers. In the final part, I read MSS and early printed editions, many held in Rome, for alterations to the text that illustrate changing ideas about how miscellaneous knowledge should be accessed and used by readers in the afterlife of the Noctes Atticae.