Color photo of the head and torso of a light skinned man with brown hair and glasses posing in front of a gray photo studio backdrop

Lars Lerup

Arnold W. Brunner Rome Prize
9 settembre 2009–30 luglio 2010
William Ward Watkin Professor and Dean, School of Architecture, Rice University
Titolo del progetto
After Pantheon: Monuments, Phobias, Awe, and their Proxies
Descrizione del progetto

The project begins at the Pantheon. Using it as a fulcrum for resuming a project on the “monument in the city” as explored in my book After the City, I wish to assume my role as “the wanderer,” one who attempts, by roaming through the surrounding city, archival materials, and modern texts, to invent an expanded field that has been both erased by history—despite Agrippa’s claim in the inscription on the façade, we will never know if Hadrian was the architect or just the bauherr—and left out of my original text. In this expanded field using writing, drawing, and design I will “write a book” beyond common conventions.