Color photograph of the head and shoulders of a light skinned woman with dark hair and a dark top vamping for the camera

Lisa Tziona Switkin

Garden Club of America Rome Prize
3 settembre 2007–1 agosto 2008
Senior Associate, Field Operations
Titolo del progetto
Monument Landscapes: Constriction and Construction of the City
Descrizione del progetto

Rome is advertised as a city of discrete monuments, but in actuality it is a city of layers with its history stretched over the entirety of the city. If we accept the city of Rome as a historical landscape in and of itself, in which the remains of distinctive monuments are embedded, then why not understand the zones around its monuments as unique spaces in their own right, as well as recognize their potential to influence the growth and development of the city and to connect its seemingly disparate monuments? I am interested in studying “monument landscapes”: the effects and influences of monuments and their associated territory on planning initiatives and the growth and development of Rome; how the outlines of these monuments, both at the surface and below ground, have been identified, marked, and treated over time; how zones around the monuments have engaged and contributed to the life of the city; how the study and recognition of these zones could inform future representations of site, territory, and ground; and how as contemporary public urban spaces, landscapes, and frameworks they have organized the fabric of the city.