Will Boast
John Guare Writers Fund Rome Prize, a gift of Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman
7 settembre 2015–29 luglio 2016
Lecturer, Committee on Creative Writing, University of Chicago
Titolo del progetto
The Aviary
Descrizione del progetto
I’m working on my third book, a novel currently titled The Aviary. It’s set in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2011 and follows a young woman with a rare neurological condition. It is, in part, a love story and is informed by Bernini’s sculpture of Apollo and Daphne. Granta Books has acquired the manuscript, and I’ll be looking to place it with a US publisher while in Rome. In addition, I’ll be drafting new short stories, most of them loosely themed around travel and immigration, with an eye toward updating those time-honored subjects to the twenty-first century. During my time at the Academy, I also plan to work on articles, essays, and screenplays.