Talking Architecture No. 4: Rick Lowe

Talking Architecture

Talking Architecture No. 4: Rick Lowe

Rick Lowe (photograph by Nate Palmer)

The fourth edition of our Talking Architecture series will feature Rick Lowe (2025 Resident), an artist and cofounder of Project Row Houses, and Jacopo Costanzo, a scholar and curator based in Rome.

Talking Architecture is a series of talks in collaboration with La Sapienza and Casa dell’Architettura dedicated to new orientations and outstanding achievements in contemporary American architecture. It is an opportunity to explore cross-sections of American architecture, from tradition to innovation, new materials and sustainability, territories and landscapes, and the social role of architecture in its surroundings. Inviting Italian studios to dialogue with American architects, Talking Architecture provides the occasion to discuss theoretical approaches and applied research practices between the two countries. The series will participate further in advancing global contemporary debates around architecture, landscape, and design.

This series is addressed to a professional audience and provides professional credits. Lectures will be held in English.


Rick Lowe is an artist, the founder of Project Row Houses, and associate professor of art at the University of Houston.

Jacopo Costanzo studied in Italy and Portugal and conducted research in China, Germany, South Korea, Iran, Japan and the United States. A founding member of WAR, he has curated exhibitions between Rome, London and New York, such as Re-Constructivist Architecture; When In Rome: A Collective Reflection upon the Eternal City (Royal Institute of British Architects); Aldo Rossi and the City (Pratt Institute). He is a PhD graduate at La Sapienza and professor at IED in Rome. He is the editor in chief of Panteon Magazine and an advisor for the American Academy in Rome. He is a member of the Laboratorio Roma050, led by Stefano Boeri.

Giorno e ora
martedì 26 novembre 2024
Disegno e Progettazione, Aula Magna, La Sapienza
Piazza Borghese, 9
Roma, Italia