The Ritual of Breath Is the Rite to Resist

Please join us for a free performance of the opera The Ritual of Breath Is the Rite to Resist at Damrosch Park in Lincoln Center, New York City.
First conceived while 2017 Rome Prize Fellows Jonathan Berger and Enrico Riley were at the American Academy in Rome, the opera responds to the murder of Eric Garner and the ongoing theft of Black life at the hands of the State, and is a call to activism.
This is a free performance. Please note that seats are open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis. Please plan to arrive no later than 8:15pm to find a seat.
Post-performance gathering immediately following at 9:45~10:00pm at a nearby bar (TBA).
Summer in the City at Damrosch Park in Lincoln Center
Amsterdam Avenue and West 62nd Street
New York City
To register for this event, please send an email with “RSVP The Ritual of Breath” in the subject line to [at] (sofprograms[dot]events[at]gmail[dot]com).