Residenti Invitati

Black and white portrait of a light skinned woman wearing glasses and looking at the camera in front of a brick wall
Julie Bargmann (photograph © Mark Shaw 2024)


The American Academy in Rome invites distinguished artists and scholars from around the world to reside at the Academy for periods generally ranging from one to three months.

Invitations are extended to senior artists and scholars of international standing in the following disciplines: architecture; design; historic preservation and conservation; landscape architecture; literature; musical composition; visual arts; ancient studies; medieval studies; Renaissance and early modern studies; and modern Italian studies.

During their stay, Residents serve as senior advisors to Rome Prize recipients and to other members of the Academy community and are expected to offer a minimum of one Academy-wide event in their area of expertise: a concert, an exhibition or studio visit, a lecture, a reading, or an instructional walk in Rome. In general, Residencies are for senior figures in their fields and are by invitation only.