Mgr. Paul Canart, Centres of Book Production in Constantinople and in the Byzantine Provinces


Mgr. Paul Canart, Centres of Book Production in Constantinople and in the Byzantine Provinces

Placeholder - 600 x 400

Recent scholarship on the centers of book production (or scriptoria) in the Byzantine world has achieved some remarkable results but has thrown up even more new questions, to the point that the notion itself of scriptorium is difficult to define. This lecture will explore some of these results and questions, with particular reference to real or imagined scriptoria in Constantinople and in regional centers such as the ones in Southern Italy.

Mgr. Paul Canart, Vatican Apostolic Library.

Giorno e ora
venerdì 9 gennaio 2015
AAR Lecture Room
McKim, Mead & White Building
Via Angelo Masina, 5
Rome, Italia