Mons. Paul Canart – Is Paleography an Art or a Science?


Mons. Paul Canart – Is Paleography an Art or a Science?

Mons. Paul Canart - Is Paleography an Art or a Science?

Current progress in the techniques of observation, definition, and comparison of scripts leads us to ask ourselves the question: is palaeography now only a science or does it still retain an "artistic" aspect? After defining what is meant by writing, art and science, we shall endeavor, with the help of examples taken from the Greek domain, to highlight recent advances in paleography as a science, but also those aspects of an art which it still preserves.

Mgr. Paul Canart is at the Vatican Library. The lecture will be given in French with consecutive translation into English. You can watch this event livestreamed at

Giorno e ora
martedì 17 gennaio 2017
AAR Lecture Room
McKim, Mead & White Building
Via Angelo Masina, 5
Rome, Italia