Textile research

Resource description

textile-dates : A database on radiocarbon dated and historical-dated textiles (first millennium BC and AD). Run by the Abteilung Christliche Archäologie der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn ; further info on the project Kontextil. See additionally the ATN/ATR (Archaeological Textiles Newsletter, since 2012: Archaeological Textiles Review) volumes, issued by the CTR (Centre for Textile Research), University of Copenhagen. See further ARTEX (Hellenistic Center for research and conservation of archaeological textiles), that publishes also the specialized journal Arachne, the TCR (Textile Research Centre, Leiden), and CIETA (Centre international d’etude des textiles anciens, Lyon), offering a wealth of resoures on historical textiles research.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art