
Resource description

Some maps and digital topographic material on the ciy of Rome in classical antiquity, created by various authors or institutions: Anteiquae Urbis Imago (Pirro Ligorio, 1773 edition) ; Carta Archeologica di Roma, issued by the superindendency (the site links also to many additional material, such as excavation documents and archival material) ; DescriptioRomae, based on the Catasto Urbano Pio Gregoriano ; Digitale Topographie der Stadt Rom ; FastiOnline ; Images of Rome : the Rodolfo Lanciani Archive ; (maps from various times and many other material) ; the Interactive Nolli Map ; Linking Evidence ; Mapping the Via Appia ; Paths through Rome, focusing on the structural organization of Rome’s urban space in the travel literature from the seventh to the sixteenth century (topoi) ; Rome: Cities in Text, focusing on travel literature (University of Notre Dame) ; SITAR : Sistema Informativo Territoriale Archeologico di Roma ; the Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae ; the Stanford Digital Forma Urbis Romae Project ; and VirtualRome. For further information, see the websites.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art