Late Antiquity resources

Resource description

CHAP : Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris, a database inventorising all historiographical works of Late Antiquity (300 to 800 AD approx.) in Latin, Greek, Syriac, Armenian, Georgian, Arabic, Coptic, and, to a lesser extent, Hebrew, Aramaic and Persian (Ghent University) ; Clerical Exile in Late Antiquity (325-600), explores the legal circumstances, experiences, social connections, spatial worlds, memory of to date 497 exile cases, 1176 persons / groups, and 442 locations ; CLA : connecting late antiquities (prosopographical database, 3rd to 7th centuries) ; The Cult of Saints (from its origins to circa AD 700) ; digilibLT : Biblioteca digitale di testi latini tardoantichi ; Late Antiquity : Lectures on religion and culture by leading scholars (compiled by TARA) ; LSA : The Last Statues of Antiquity database ; Studi Tardoantichi ; THAT : Textes pour l’histoire de l’antiquité tardive [...]

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