Amphoras, Other Pottery, and Ancient Lamps

Resource description

Some websites on the study of Greek and Roman amphoras, pottery, and lamps : Amphora Stamps of the Northern Black Sea ; Amphorae ex Hispania ; Amphoreus ; Ancient Lamps ; APE (Greek amphorae from Northern Pontus Euxinus) ; AVI (Attic Vase Inscriptions) ; CEAlex (Centre Alexandrin d’Étude des Amphores) ; Corpus of Attic vase inscriptions ; FACEM (Fabrics of the Central Mediterranean, on provenance studies on pottery) ; FARLI Ancient Pottery Database ; IARPotHP (International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period) ; (on defining the intellectual concepts of pottery) ; Opus doliare signatum (on finds from Rome, Ostia, and Central Italy) ; potsherd : Atlas of Roman pottery ; RCRF (Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, dedicated to Roman pottery) ; R.T.A.R. (Recueil de Timbres sur Amphores Romaines) ; SECAH (Sociedad de Estudios de la Cerámica Antigua en Hispania) ; Sfécag (Société Française d’Étude de la Céramique Antique en Gaule) ; the older Actes conference proceedings are accessible online) ; Terres d’Amphores.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art