Classics: Greek and Latin Texts

Resource description

Bibliotheca Augustana ; Chicago Homer ; Dickinson College Commentaries ; DFHG (Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum) ; Digital Athenaeus ; Digital Latin Library ; First-One-Thousand-Years-of-Greek-Project ; Greek & Latin texts with facing vocabulary and commentary (G. Steadman) Internet Ancient History Source Book ; Lace: Greek OCR ; Late Antiquity : Biblioteca digitale di testi latini tardoantichi ; the Latin Library ; Loeb Classical Library (AAR only) plus “Loebulus” (public-domain Loebs) ; Open Greek and Latin Project ; Perseus Digital Library ; PHI Classical Latin Texts ; Tesserae ; and Theoi Classical Texts (classical mythology). Issued by various institutions, for further information see the according site.

Resource subject