Regional Archaeology: Greece

Resource description

Some journals focusing on the archaeology and the history of ancient Greece: [...] ; AE (Archaiologikē Ephēmeris) ; the Annual of the BSA (JSTOR with moving wall) ; Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente ; Anthemon (issued by the Friends of the Akropolis) ; AURA (Athens University Review of Archaeology plus the supplements) ; the monographic series BAE (Vivliothēkē tēs en Athēnais Archaiologikēs Hetaireias) ; Ergon ; Hesperia ; the Journal of the Benaki Museum ; Karanos : Bulletin of Ancient Macedonian Studies ; Mentōr ; PAE (Praktika tēs en Athēnais Archaiologikēs Hetaireias) ; Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens ; Teiresias : Online review and bibliography on Boiotian Studies (click here for older issues 1971-2021) ; Tekmeria ; The Acropolis Restoration Newsletter ; Themata archaiologias [...].

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
Resource type