Argos : Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Estudios Clásicos, publishes on all aspects of classical philology, literature, philosophy and history, and on the reception of classical culture in Latin America. Open access.
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Argos : Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Estudios Clásicos, publishes on all aspects of classical philology, literature, philosophy and history, and on the reception of classical culture in Latin America. Open access.
Issued by the Università di Trieste, publishes on all aspects of Greek and Latin language and literature, up to Byzantine and Medieval times. Open access.
Historia i Świat, founded in 2012, publishes research on history, and is divided into two sections: Acta Militaria Iranica, dedicated to research in the warfare in antiquity and the history of Near East, and Acta Historica, dedicated to history in general, especially Easten Europe. Open access.
Dionysius, the journal of Dalhousie University's Department of Classics, publishes articles on the history of ancient philosophy and theology, including Patristics, and their nachleben. Open access.
Noctua : la tradizione filosofica dall'antico al moderno = History of philosophy from ancient to the modern age, publishes research on the history of philosophy and science from antiquity to modern times, and related fields, such as the history of ideas and intellectual history. See also the supplementary monographic series Quaderni di Noctua. Open access.
Virtus : Journal of nobility studies focuses on all aspects of the history of the nobility and related areas of study, such as genealogy, heraldry, court studies and castellology. Open access.
On Roman law and related disciplines. Issued by Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo. Open access.
Climates and cultures in history focuses on the social, cultural, political and economic dimensions of climatic variability in human history around the world. Open access.
Politica antica : Rivista di prassi e cultura politica nel mondo greco e romano. On political practice in Ancient Greece and Rome and on the conceptual issues that underpin it (political culture, the development of ancient political thought and its modern reception, the interaction between law and politcs). Open access.
Issued by the CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), entirely focusing on the Phoenician and Punic culture. Open access.