Rivista di Topografia Antica
Rivista di topografia antica = Journal of Ancient Topography. Full text online with access to the latest volumes ; the Library owns the full run.
Rivista di topografia antica = Journal of Ancient Topography. Full text online with access to the latest volumes ; the Library owns the full run.
AP is exclusively devoted to public archaeology, aiming to explore the multiple relations between archaeology and society. The fields covered are the economic and political impact of archaeology, archaeology as popular culture, the history and development of archaeology as a professional activity, the public image of archaeology, legal issues affecting archaeological practice and others. Open access.
Studi di storia medioevale e di diplomatica publishes on all aspects of middle ages history, with a special focus on palaeography and diplomatics. Open access.
Eventum : a journal of medieval arts & rituals, publishes research on all medieval arts in and as rituals and the initiators, participants, spaces, structures, and artistic dimensions of all medieval rituals. Eventum defines 'medieval' in its broadest sense, covering Byzantine, Western European, Coptic, Syriac, Hebrew, Arabic, Armenian, Georgian and Slavic cultures from the 4th to the 15th centuries. Open access.
The JHES covers all aspects of environmental history in its broadest sense, with a special focus on the interaction between environmental changes and social historical context. All epochs, all cultrues. Open access.
Gives access to hundreds of Italian journals and magazines on various subjects (history, history of art, archaeology, sciences, literature and more).
Etudes eistémè : Revue de littérature et de civilization (XVIe-XVIII siècles) focuses on 16th to 18th century European literature and culture, each issue has a thematic focus. AAR only.
The Revue d'histoire des sciences humaines publishes research on the history of sciences, from the 18th to the 21st centuries. AAR only.
Founded in 1927, the RSH publishes research on the relationship between literature and the humanities, social sciences, history and other disciplines (AAR only).
BABELAO = Bulletin de l'ABELAO is the journal of the ABELAO, the Académie Belge pour l'Étude des Langes Anciennes et Orientales, publishes research on ancient languages and literature, philology, paleography, comparative literature and related fields (Ancient Greek, Coptic, Egyptian, Hebrew, Latin, Sanskrit, Sumerian, Syriac and more). Open access.