The American Academy in Rome is a private institution supported by gifts, grants, and membership fees of individuals, foundations, corporations, and leading colleges, universities, and arts and cultural organizations. Contributions provide critical support to the Academy, enabling artists and scholars with intellectual and artistic freedom and fostering interdisciplinary exchange.
The American Academy in Rome’s federal tax ID number is 13-1623881.
Download a list of all supporters who made a gift to the American Academy in Rome between February 1, 2023, and January 31, 2024.
Gifts by Check
Donors can make their check payable to the American Academy in Rome and mail to:
American Academy in Rome
PO Box 23527
New York, NY 10087-3527
Gifts by Donor Advised Funds
The American Academy in Rome accepts gifts from Donor Advised Funds. You can make a grant distribution today to the Academy using our Federal EIN: 13-1623881. A few popular Donor Advised Funds our donors have chosen to work with include:
What Is a Donor Advised Fund?
A Donor Advised Fund, or DAF, is a charitable investment account. It allows donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, invest for tax-free growth, and then recommend grants from the fund over time. Donors can contribute to the fund as frequently as they like, and then recommend grants to their favorite charities whenever makes sense for them.
Gifts by Wire Transfer
Contributions by wire transfer can be sent to:
JP Morgan Chase, New York, New York, USA
Address: Not-For-Profit Banking, 4 New York Plaza, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10004
ABA # 021000021
Account #890129601
For the benefit of the American Academy in Rome
Gifts of Securities
Donors are asked to advise a member of Development at the American Academy in Rome that a stock gift is to be made, identifying: (1) the broker who is handling the transaction; (2) the name of security; and (3) the number of shares. This will ensure the American Academy in Rome can properly credit the gift.
AAR Development Office:
Rachael Edmonston
r.edmonston [at] aarome.org (r[dot]edmonston[at]aarome[dot]org)
212-751-7200, ext. 363
For gifts of securities, the date of gift cited in the receipt will be the date that securities are transferred to the Academy’s account. The donor and/or broker should be provided with the following contact and settlement information:
Vanguard contact information
American Academy in Rome
PO Box 3009
Monroe, WI 53566-8309
Telephone: 800-662-2739
Security Settlement Instructions
Depository Trust Company (DTC)
DTC #0062
American Academy in Rome
a/c #40873988