Byzantine Studies: Some Journals

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Bisanzio e l’Occidente (Università degli Studi di Milano) ; Bulletin of British Byzantine Studies (BBBS, open access) ; Byzantina (Centre for Byzantine Research, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) ; Βyzantina Symmeikta (1966–2007: Symmeikta; open access) ; Byzantine Review (open access) ; Byzantinische Zeitschrift (online subscription beginning with v.88 (1995); older volumes in the Library ; Byzantion: Revue internationale des études byzantines (and through JSTOR with moving wall) ; Byzantion Nea Hellás ; Dumbarton Oaks Papers (open access ; access also thru JSTOR ; the Library owns all volumes) ; Erytheia (open access with moving wall) ; Estudios bizantinos (open access) ; Parekbolai : an electronic journal for Byzantine literature (open access) ; Porphyra and its special issues (both open access) ; Revue des études byzantines (persée with moving wall) ; Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (issued by the University of Lund and Uppsala University) [...].

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