Archaeology: Approaches, Methods, Theories

Resource description

Journals on methodologies, theories, different approaches, material culture, anthropology, sociology, etc., all accessible via JSTOR (with moving wall, AAR only): Acta Sociologica ; American Anthropologist ; Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales ; Annual Review of Anthropology ; Anthropologica ; Anthropology Today ; Archives de sciences sociales des religions ; Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie ; Cambridge Journal of Anthropology ; Civilisations ; Comparative Studies in Society and History ; Cultural Anthropology ; Current Anthropology ; Dialectical Anthropology ; Historical Archaeology ; Historische Sozialforschung (Historical Social Research) ; L'Homme ; International Journal of Historical Archaeology ; JAR (Journal of Anthropological Research) ; Journal of Anthropology ; Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory ; Journal of Archaeological Research ; Journal of Ritual Studies ; Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (click here to access v.37 (1907)-v.95 (1965) and here to access the volumes beginning with v.1 (1995), with moving wall) ; Man ; Material Culture ; RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics ; Signs and Society (v.1 (2013)-v.3 (2015) and here for all volumes) ; Social Analysis: The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice ; Sociological Methodology ; Sociological Theory ; and World Archaeology.

Resource subject
Archaeology & Classical Art
Resource type