
La serie di eventi più emblematica dell’Accademia, Conversations/Conversazioni: From the American Academy in Rome, riunisce i maggiori artisti, studiosi, designer, storici e direttori di musei per discussioni schiette e ad ampio raggio su svariati temi nel campo dell’arte e delle materie umanistiche.

Jorge Otero-Pailos & Sheena Wagstaff – Roots of the City

La città
Installation view of Jorge Otero-Pailos’s "The Ethics of Dust" at Westminster Hall in 2016

Installation view of Jorge Otero-Pailos’s The Ethics of Dust at Westminster Hall in 2016, commissioned by Artangel (photograph by Marcus J. Leith)

If art is a vehicle for reframing preservation, what impact could that have on practitioners? Or the public’s attitudes toward preservation as a discipline? This Conversation/Conversazioni will explore the emotive power of place, space, and objects, particularly as they relate to memory, presence, and endurance over time.

Jorge Otero-Pailos is an artist, preservationist, and professor and director of the Historic Preservation Program in the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation at Columbia University. Sheena Wagstaff is Leonard A. Lauder Chairman of the Department of Modern and Contemporary Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The discussion will be moderated by Elizabeth Rodini, Andrew Heiskell Arts Director at the American Academy in Rome.

This Conversations/Conversazioni, to be presented on Zoom and held in English, is free and open to the public. The start time is 12:00pm Eastern Time (6:00pm Central European Time).

The Helen Frankenthaler Foundation is the 2020–21 season sponsor of Conversations/Conversazioni: From the American Academy in Rome.


Pamela O. Long & Nicola Camerlenghi – The City of Rome: Urban Infrastructure and Urban Form from Medieval to Early Modern Times

La città
AAR Zoom
Tempo dell’Europa Centrale
Roma, Italia
2021 Conversations - Pamela O. Long and Nicola Camerlenghi

Detail of Anthonis van den Wijngaerde, View of Rome from the Janiculum, 1540–50, pen and brown ink, brown and blue wash, over black chalk, on 3 pieces of paper glued together, 8 5/16 x 51 3/16 in. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Since Rome was not built in a day, how can we understand the processes by which the city developed? Nicola Camerlenghi and Pamela O. Long (2004 Fellow) have addressed this challenge for the medieval and early modern city, respectively.

Camerlenghi, associate professor of art history at Dartmouth College and digital humanities fellow at Villa I Tatti, has developed a diachronic, digital map of towers, bell towers, and other features to chart the medieval city’s network of power and surveillance. Long, an independent scholar of late medieval and Renaissance history, has studied long runs of documents and numerous printed maps across various Roman archives uncovering conflicts and problems during the late sixteenth century. Both scholars have then confronted their primary evidence with a first-hand, holistic engagement with the city. This Conversations/Conversazioni will treat their different but interrelated approaches to the evolving Eternal City.

This conversation, to be presented on Zoom, is free and open to the public. The start time is 6:00pm Central European Time (12:00 noon Eastern Time).

The Helen Frankenthaler Foundation is the 2020–21 season sponsor of Conversations/Conversazioni: From the American Academy in Rome.


Giuliana Bruno & Alice Friedman – Modern Architecture, Media, and Gender

Il corpo
Villa Aurelia
Largo di Porta S. Pancrazio, 1
Roma, Italia
Conversations - 2019 - Giuliana Bruno and Alice Friedman

Wong Kar-wai, film still from 2046, 2004

L’evento è parte della serie Nuove ricerche sulle arti e sulle discipline umanistiche: il corpo.

In che modo l’architettura moderna costruisce e “scherma” lo spazio corporeo? Come si manifesta la fisicità in superficie, dalle facce alle facciate? Esaminando la rappresentazione delle superfici dello spazio in architettura e nei media, questa conversazione moderata da John Ochsendorf si concentrerà sul rapporto tra parete, schermo e maschera e sulla proiezione in quanto forma di relazione materiale.

Giuliana Bruno è docente ordinaria di Studi visivi e ambientali alla Harvard University ed è attualmente in residenza presso l’American Academy in Rome. Alice Friedman è docente ordinaria di Arte americana alla Wellesley College ed è attualmente in residenza presso l’American Academy in Rome. John Ochsendorf è docente ordinario di Architettura e ingegneria civile e ambientale al Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ed è Direttore dell’American Academy in Rome.

L’evento si terrà in lingua inglese.

La Helen Frankenthaler Foundation è lo sponsor della stagione 2018–19 di Conversations/Conversazioni: From the American Academy in Rome.


2019 Arthur & Janet C. Ross Rome Prize Ceremony

Sala Grande alla Cooper Union
7 East 7th Street
New York, NY
Stati Uniti
Rome Prize 2019

Each year the Rome Prize is awarded to emerging artists and scholars who represent the highest standard of excellence in the arts and humanities. Please join us in the Great Hall at Cooper Union in New York on Tuesday, April 9 as we announce the 2019 Rome Prize winners and Italian Fellows.

The program from the Arthur and Janet C. Ross Rome Prize Ceremony also features a Conversations | Conversazioni event titled “Integrity and Public Office: Classical Greek and Roman Perspectives” with Melissa Lane, professor of politics and director of the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University (2018 Resident), speaking with John Ochsendorf, AAR director (2008 Fellow). A Prosecco toast will follow the program.

This event is free and open to the public; an RSVP is required.

The Helen Frankenthaler Foundation is the 2018–19 season sponsor of Conversations/Conversazioni: From the American Academy in Rome.

Event does not include video
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Not promoted

Now Here Is Nowhere

Italian Cultural Institute
686 Park Avenue
New York, NY
Stati Uniti
Now Here Is Nowhere - Conversation

Carl D’Alvia, Patches, 2015, bronze, 12 x 7 x 19 in. (artwork © Carl D’Alvia)

Please join us in New York City for a discussion among four of the six artists featured in the exhibition, NOW HERE IS NOWHERE: Six Artists from the American Academy in RomeCarl D’Alvia, Tomaso De Luca, Jackie Saccoccio, and Nari Ward.

CARL D’ALVIA (2013 Fellow)

TOMASO DE LUCA (2017 Italian Fellow)


NARI WARD (2013 Fellow)
Artis and Professor, Hunter College

Moderated by:
VIVIEN GREENE (2004 Fellow)
Senior Curator, Guggenheim Museum

Event does not include video
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