The Institute of Classical Architecture and Art offers the Alma Schapiro Prize, which alternates years with the Rieger Graham Prize. The Alma Schapiro Prize advances the career of an artist recipient and fosters the continuity of knowledge of the classical tradition as a vital aspect of contemporary culture around the globe.
The centerpiece of the prize is a three-month affiliated fellowship at the American Academy in Rome. The total award will include Academy fees, travel allotment, and award stipend. The proposed three-month stay must begin between September of the prize year and May of the following year. Following the winner’s return, an exhibition of their work will be mounted at the ICAA’s Cast Hall Gallery for public viewing.
The prize is open to United States citizens who are at least twenty-one years of age. A formal BFA or MFA degree is not required, although some rigorous training and above all career accomplishment in painting or sculpture tied in expression and technique to contemporary classicism are essential for competitive applications.