Can I live with my partner?
Due to space limitations, accommodation is provided only for the fellowship recipient.
Can I bring my family?
Families cannot be accommodated due to space limitations.
How much is the stipend?
The stipend for fellowship recipients in the 2025–26 academic year is $2,200 per month, paid in euros. A $600 deposit is deducted from the stipend as a security deposit, which is refunded at the end of the residency period, provided there are no damages to the facilities and all additional costs are covered.
Does the CV need to be in European format?
No specific format is required for the CV.
What are the selection criteria?
The originality of work or research completed during the candidate’s career; the relevance and feasibility of the proposed project; and the immediate or future impact on the research or artistic field.
How many finalists are selected for the interview?
Between three and five finalists in each field of research or art.
When will the winners be announced?
The winners for the 2025–26 academic year will be announced during the Rome Prize ceremony in New York in April 2025.
I am an Italian citizen living abroad. Am I eligible?
Yes. Italian citizens living abroad can apply. For the humanities fellowships, a PhD from an Italian university is also required.
I am an Italian citizen who graduated in Italy and completed my PhD abroad. Can I apply?
I am an Italian citizen who graduated abroad and completed my PhD in Italy. Can I apply?
Can I apply if I have not yet completed my PhD?
Yes, provided the PhD is completed by September 1, 2025.
Does the writing sample have to be an excerpt from a publication?
No. It can also be an unpublished chapter of your PhD thesis.
Should the required documents be submitted in digital or paper format?
All documents must be submitted digitally.
Can I apply directly to the American Academy?
No, all arts candidates must be nominated.
How can I be nominated?
You must be nominated by one of our nominators. To learn more about our nominators, please contact if [at] aarome.org (if[at]aarome[dot]org).
I was shortlisted and interviewed last year but was not selected for a fellowship. Am I automatically admitted in this year’s competition?