Accademia Aperta/Open Academy 2014


Accademia Aperta/Open Academy 2014

Accademia Aperta/Open Academy 2014

Villa Aurelia (photograph by Jon Wallen)

In October 1914, the newly formed American Academy in Rome opened its doors in a new building, designed by the architectural firm McKim, Mead & White, on the Janiculum Hill. The event marked in stone the merger of the School of Classical Studies and the American Academy in Rome, which had taken place three years earlier. With a building in common, including a magnificent library, the joined schools ushered in a new beginning, uniting innovative artistic and humanistic endeavor under one roof.

2014 thus marks the one hundredth anniversary not only of the buildings—the McKim, Mead & White Building and the Arthur and Janet C. Ross Library—but also of the radical experiment in integrating the arts and humanities that is the American Academy in Rome.

To celebrate this centennial, the American Academy in Rome will offer guided visits of the McKim, Mead & White Building, including the Cortile, the Salone, the Billiard Room, the Arthur and Janet C. Ross Library, the Bass Garden, and the AAR Gallery. Subject to availability, the visit will also include a tour of the stunning seventeenth-century Villa Aurelia and its gardens.

Tours will be given in English and Italian and are free of charge. Registration is required.

Date & time
Saturday, October 18, 2014
McKim, Mead & White Building
Via Angelo Masina, 5
Rome, Italy