Alison Hirsch & Aroussiak Gabrielian – Landscape Real-and-Imagined

Fellow Shoptalks

Alison Hirsch & Aroussiak Gabrielian – Landscape Real-and-Imagined

Alison Hirsch and Aroussiak Gabrielian - Landscape Real-and-Imagined

Rather than passive and neutral scenery, our practice (foreground design agency) frames landscape as an active agent of culture and creativity. Our landscape inquiries probe the intermediary space of the real and the imagined, the situated and the speculative, realism and idealism, the physical and the representational. Rather than a problem-solution approach to design, therefore, our work thrives on this critical opening up—between theory and practice, between design and research, between fact and fiction, between past and present (and future). The shoptalk will present our working methods and projects.

Alison Hirsch and Aroussiak Gabrielian are the Prince Charitable Trusts/Rolland Rome Prize Fellows in Landscape Architecture and cofounders of foreground design agency in Los Angeles, California.

Hirsch is assistant professor of landscape architecture and urbanism at the School of Architecture, University of Southern California. Gabrielian is a PhD candidate in media arts and practice at the School of Cinematic Arts, University of Southern California.

The event will be held in English. You can watch this event live at

Date & time
Monday, November 20, 2017
6:30 PM
AAR Lecture Room
McKim, Mead & White Building
Via Angelo Masina, 5
Rome, Italy