Erin Besler & Michelle Lou

Michelle Lou’s sketch for the setup of HoneyDripper
Erin Besler
What Seems to Be the Problem?
Erin Besler will introduce her project “The Problem with the Corner Problem” and situate it within broader architectural work on construction technologies, amateur production, prosaic materials, social media, and other platforms for producing and sharing content that rely less on expertise and more on ubiquity.
Besler is the Founders Rome Prize Fellow in Architecture, a lecturer in the Department of Architecture and Urban Design at the University of California, Los Angeles, and a partner at Besler & Son.
Michelle Lou
New Performance System
Michelle Lou will be demo-ing a new analog/digital live performance system that she is creating at the Academy that involves taking signals from her modular synth into a custom software patch created on max/MSP that processes these signals. The audio is then routed back through the synth for further manipulation. There will also be an audio-reactive visual component to this presentation.
Lou is the Elliott Carter Rome Prize Fellow in Musical Composition and a visiting lecturer in the Department of Music at Dartmouth College.
The event will be held in English. Watch Besler’s shoptalk live at