Global Sustainability and Local Foods


Global Sustainability and Local Foods

Global Sustainability and Local Foods

The conference aims to review the theories and empirical evidence of local food systems in the context of the world food situation and to contribute to the knowledge, teaching and dialogue on local foods, food security, and sustainable diets from the perspectives of both social science and the liberal arts.

Food production and distribution processes alternative to industrial agriculture are taking roots in different countries with the view to reembedding food in its territorial, cultural, and social context. Conference speakers will examine experiences through presentations of papers, posters, and videos. The conference will be opened by David Lane, US ambassador to the UN Agencies for Food and Agriculture, and closed by Tim Lang, keynote speaker, who will help draw conclusions and indicate possible ways forward. Scholars and practitioners in the conference will offer perspectives on a range of national case studies, including Benin, Brazil, Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Japan, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The conference will be held in English.

The morning session will take place at: LOCATION CHANGED TO: Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici
American University of Rome
Via Pietro Roselli, 4

The afternoon session will take place at:
American Academy in Rome
Via Angelo Masina, 5

To participate, please register at

The event is organized by the American University of Rome and the American Academy in Rome in collaboration with the Economics, Management and Institutions Department at the University of Naples Federico II and the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment at Pisa University.

Date & time
Friday, October 2, 2015
American University of Rome and AAR
Rome, Italy