Luigi Moretti al Foro Mussolini (poi Italico)


Luigi Moretti al Foro Mussolini (poi Italico)

Luigi Moretti al Foro Mussolini (poi Italico)

The American Academy in Rome will host a workshop on the topic of Luigi Moretti at the Foro Mussolini (later Foro Italico), which will be held Saturday 14 April 2012 from 9:30am to 1pm, and then 2:00pm to 6pm.

The event is organized by T. Corey Brennan, FAAR’88 (American Academy in Rome), with Paolo Pedinelli (Coni Servizi Spa); Tommaso Magnifico (Archivio Moretti); and Maria Grazia D’Amelio (Uniroma2), with the expected participation of Giuseppe Capizzano, Claudia Conforti, Fabrizio de Cesaris, Valentina Follo, Marco Giunta, Antonella Greco, Margherita Guccione, Luisa Montevecchi, Alessandra Muntoni, Alessandra Nizzi, Giorgio Ortolani, Giancarlo Palmerio, Paolo Portoghesi, Bruno Reichlin, Renato Giulietto Ricci, Marco Rinaldi, Salvatore Santuccio, Romana Severini, and Piero Cimbolli Spagnesi, with the patrocinio of CONI (Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano).

The day is dedicated to the architect Luigi Moretti and specifically to the years in which he worked at the Foro Mussolini (1933–41), a period in which he moved with extraordinary creativity from interior design to drawing up the overall plans for what was designed as both a citadel of sport and a new monumental entrance to the city.

The workshop will also feature video projections and an exhibition of archival materials, thanks to the generosity of the Archivio Attilio Calzavara-Rome, Archivio Achille Capizzano-Rome, Archivio Moretti Magnifico-Rome, Archivio Renato Ricci-Rome, Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Archivio MAXXI Architettura-Rome, Archivio Fotografico Andrea Jemolo, Arthur & Janet C. Ross Library of the American Academy in Rome, and the website

Audience participation in the day is by preregistration; however, there is no cost to the public. The workshop will be held in Italian.

A complete program schedule follows below in PDF format.

Date & time
Saturday, April 14, 2012
AAR Lecture Room
McKim, Mead & White Building
Via Angelo Masina, 5
Rome, Italy