Past Events

March 27, 2014
Fellow Shoptalks

Nicholas de Monchaux – Random Walks Drawn through a Shifting Climate: Resilience, Reuse, and the Nature of Rome

Nicholas de Monchaux - Random Walks Drawn Through a Shifting Climate: Resilience, Re-Use, and the Nature of Rome

Fellow Shoptalks are a forum in which Rome Prize winners, Italian Fellows, and Affiliated Fellows present their work to each other and to the public. Shoptalks are occasionally streamed live on Zoom and posted to the Academy’s YouTube channel.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014–6:30 PM–9:00 PM
Film Screening

Reynold Reynolds – The Lost: A Seven-Channel Film Installation

March 20, 2014
Fellow Shoptalks

Thomas Kelley – LOOK NOW!

Thomas Kelley - LOOK NOW!

Fellow Shoptalks are a forum in which Rome Prize winners, Italian Fellows, and Affiliated Fellows present their work to each other and to the public. Shoptalks are occasionally streamed live on Zoom and posted to the Academy’s YouTube channel.

March 19, 2014
New York
Home from Rome

Michael J. Waters – The Material Side of Rome

March 18, 2014
Fellow Shoptalks

Jessica Nowlin – Death and Value in Orientalizing Central Italy

Jessica Nowlin - Death and Value in Orientalizing Central Italy

Fellow Shoptalks are a forum in which Rome Prize winners, Italian Fellows, and Affiliated Fellows present their work to each other and to the public. Shoptalks are occasionally streamed live on Zoom and posted to the Academy’s YouTube channel.

March 13, 2014

Richard Wilson – The Remarkable Music of Robert Moevs

March 11, 2014
Fellow Shoptalks

Sheramy Bundrick – Considering Context: Greek Vases from Athens to Etruria

Sheramy Bundrick - Considering Context: Greek Vases from Athens to Etruria

Fellow Shoptalks are a forum in which Rome Prize winners, Italian Fellows, and Affiliated Fellows present their work to each other and to the public. Shoptalks are occasionally streamed live on Zoom and posted to the Academy’s YouTube channel.

February 24–March 5, 2014
Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures Series

Aldo Schiavone – Ancient and Modern Equality

Aldo Schiavone - Ancient and Modern Equality

The Thomas Spencer Jerome Lecture Series is among the most prestigious international platforms for the presentation of new work on Roman history and culture. Thomas Spencer Jerome (1864–1914) was an American lawyer and lover of Roman history who lived on Capri from 1899 until his death. In his will he endowed a series of lectures to be jointly delivered at the American Academy in Rome and the University of Michigan. The revised lectures are typically published by the University of Michigan Press.

February 20, 2014
Fellow Shoptalks

Catie Newell – Involving Darkness

Catie Newell - Involving Darkness

Fellow Shoptalks are a forum in which Rome Prize winners, Italian Fellows, and Affiliated Fellows present their work to each other and to the public. Shoptalks are occasionally streamed live on Zoom and posted to the Academy’s YouTube channel.

February 19, 2014
New York

Dealing with Modern Economic Crises: Financial Lessons from Classical Antiquity