Flora Ghezzo

National Endowment for the Humanities/C. Douglas Dillon Post-Doctoral Rome Prize
September 4, 2006–August 3, 2007
Assistant Professor, Italian Department, Columbia University
Project title
Women Writing Fascism: Power, Subjectivity, and Desire in Fascist Italy, 1922–1943
Project description

In Rome, Flora Ghezzo will continue work on her book-length study of women’s writings under Fascism, which aims to uncover the contradictions and the “molecular revolutions” that they stage: subtle instances of dissent and refusal of official Fascist models of femininity. The work of these women, such as Maria Luisa Fiume, Maria Luisa Astaldi, and Pia Rimini, have in large part been forgotten, though much of it languishes in the libraries of Rome, where a great deal of Ghezzo’s research will take place.