Black and white photograph of the head and torso of a light skinned man wearing glasses and a dark suit and tie

Gregory Waldrop

Phyllis G. Gordan/Samuel H. Kress Foundation Pre-Doctoral Rome Prize (year one of a two-year fellowship)
September 4, 2006–August 3, 2007
PhD Candidate, History of Art Department, University of California, Berkeley
Project title
Sight Unseen: Priests and Visual Representation in Early Quattrocento Siena
Project description

Gregory Waldrop’s dissertation focuses on priests as depicted subjects and calculated objects of art production in the early Renaissance. Ubiquitous, indispensable, and sometimes notorious, they stood at the center of both quotidian spectacle and Catholic sacramentality. Their representation in the late Middle Ages has gone largely unexamined. He intends to use the archives of the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana in Rome.