Mari Yoko Hara - Library

Mari Yoko Hara

Samuel H. Kress Pre-Doctoral Rome Prize (year two of a two-year fellowship)
September 9, 2013–August 1, 2014
McIntire Department of Art, University of Virginia
Project title
Places of Performance: Scenography, Painting, and Architecture of Baldassarre Peruzzi
Project description

In Rome, Siena, and Bologna, Baldassarre Peruzzi (1482–1536) built his fame on his accomplishments as an architect, painter, stage designer, and inventor of perspective. But above all, he excelled in the skillful synthesis of artistic media, an achievement his contemporaries revered. “Places of Performance” is the first detailed study on the painter-architect—a professional trajectory that emerged in the early modern world and exemplified by the career of this Sienese artist. By exploring Peruzzi’s deep, lifelong engagement in intermedial dialogue, the project demonstrates how Renaissance architects redefined their trade as a visual art and transformed their professional practice. My project will contribute a new understanding, not only of this important new profession, but also of the broader theme of early modern disciplinary exchange.