Rob Giampietro

Rob Giampietro

Katherine Edwards Gordon Rome Prize
September 8, 2014–March 9, 2015
Principal, Project Projects, New York
Project title
Walk with Me: Responsive Guides to Rome
Project description

I propose to create a mobile-optimized website that will offer a series of distinctive audio guides and GPS maps for walks in Rome. I will design and develop the site, and I will conduct and produce the original audio guides with a diverse collection of people: a foodie, a gallerist, a fashionista, an Academy scholar, a tourist, a priest, a design historian, a psychic medium, a local journalist, a government official, a construction worker, and so on. The individuals I engage will be drawn from my experiences and encounters while in Rome and will in many ways form a collective portrait of my life at the Academy. This opportunity would certainly benefit my work as a designer and writer. At Project Projects, I’ve built sites that are mobile optimized, location aware, and multimedia rich. My work often engages social networks like Tumblr and web-based services like Soundcloud and Google Maps. I am excited to combine these new technologies against the historic backdrop of Rome.