Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, volume 69
The Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, an annual publication of the American Academy in Rome, publishes articles in English in the areas supported by the AAR Rome Prize in the Humanities in the following periods: Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance and Early Modern, and Modern. Volume 69 publishes an Editorial Preface by Margaret L. Laird (2000 Fellow) and the scholarly essays: “Excavating Morgantina’s Missing Centuries: The Agora Valley Project” by D. Alex Walthall (2013 Fellow), Christy Q. Schirmer (2021 Fellow), Randall Souza, and Anne E. Truetzel; “We Sing of Fullers and Owls: A Pompeian Fresco and Its Entanglements” by Sandra R. Joshel and Lauren Hackworth Petersen; “Early Egyptian Stone Imports to Campania: The Case of Stones from Four Small, Roman Quarries from Egypt’s Eastern Desert” by Simon J. Barker and J. Clayton Fant; “Claiming Space: Women’s Activities and Representation in the Forum of Segobriga” by Rachel Meyers; “Drinking with the Dead: Libation Conduits from Rome’s Columbaria to the Cortile at the American Academy in Rome” by Liana Brent (2019 Fellow); “Strength in Beauty, Beauty in Strength: Queen Omphale of Lydia as a Mythical Exemplum for Women in the Roman World” by Sarah Hollaender; “Representing the Circus Maximus outside Italy: Images between Popular Culture and Politics” by Maggie L. Popkin (2021 Fellow); “The ‘Renegade Rabbi’ from Morocco: Andrea de Monte and His Chapel in the Roman Church of the Madonna ai Monti. Conversion, Legitimacy, and Christian Propaganda” by Guendalina Serafinelli; “Being the Court Painter of a Cardinal in Baroque Rome: Chronicle and History of Carlo Maratti for Antonio Barberini the Younger” by Giovan Battista Fidanza; “Trading Antiquities in Early 20th-Century Rome: A Case Study of the Dynamics Shaping the Export of E. P. Warren’s Antiquities from Rome to Lewes” by Ilaria Trafficante; “‘No Country but the Dreamland of Antiquity’: Cy Twombly, John Addington Symonds, and Classical Reception” by Jamie Danis; “Fragmented Pots and Dietrich von Bothmer” by David W. J. Gill and Christos Tsirogiannis; “Restitutions 17 Years after Nostoi: A Personal Reflection” by Stefano De Caro; and “Some Notes on a Mosaic with a Greek Inscription from the Villa Baths of Herrera, Seville, Spain” by Rubén Montoya González and Macarena Calderón Sánchez.
A special section, entitled “A Tribute to Malcolm Bell III, 1941–2024,” presents papers honoring Malcolm Bell III (1970 Fellow, 1989 Resident, 1993–1996 Andrew W. Mellon Professor-in-Charge). It contains a “Preface” by Anthony Corbeill, Elizabeth Fentress (1996–99 Mellon Professor), and Margaret L. Laird and the tributes: “Malcolm Bell III as Andrew W. Mellon Professor-in-Charge in Rome, 1993–1996: Friend, Teacher, Leader” by Caroline Bruzelius (1986 Fellow, 1989 Resident, 1994–98 Director); “Memories of Malcolm Bell III as Mellon Professor-in-Charge” by Diana DePardo-Minsky; “Nostos: Malcolm Bell III and the Returns of Sicily’s Ancient Heritage” by Claire L. Lyons (2022 Resident); and “A Lifetime of Stories from Serra Orlando: Malcolm Bell III and the American Excavations at Morgantina” by D. Alex Walthall.
The volume also contains reports on research in the humanities by fourteen 2024 Rome Prize Fellows, one 2024 Italian Fellow, and one 2024 Getty Global Affiliated Fellow: Kate Meng Brassel, Christopher Erdman, Mary-Evelyn Farrior, Ryan Haecker, Emily B. Frank, Nicola Barbagli, Christopher Bonura, Dov Honick, Gabriella L. Johnson, Anne L. Williams, John Delury, Jessica L. Harris, Erica Moretti, and Emre Gönlügür.