The Archaeological Archive at the American Academy in Rome contains unique collections pertaining to the Academy’s excavations, principally at Cosa and Regia.
The excavations of the Latin colony of Cosa (Ansedonia) in southwestern Tuscany, have become a reference point for the archaeology of Latin colonies and mid-Republican Rome itself. The collection documents the excavations carried out under the auspices of the American Academy in Rome by Frank E. Brown (1948–54, 1965–72) and continued in the 1990s under the direction of Elizabeth Fentress. The Cosa photographs collections have been digitized by the Photographic Archive with the support of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation and are available in the Academy’s Digital Humanities Center. The paper archive is housed in the AAR Archaeology Archive and can be consulted v.follo.ext [at] aarome.org (by appointment). A finding aid for the paper archive is accessible below.
The Regia archive details the groundbreaking excavations carried out in the Forum Romanum in 1964–65 by Frank E. Brown. Due to ill health, Brown never completed the final publication but left behind a detailed archive, including notebooks, plans, sections, finds cards, and photos. The contents of the Regia collection were digitized during 2014–15 and are available via the Academy’s Digital Humanities Center for research purposes. Darby Scott will publish a summary of Brown’s conclusions in a volume scheduled for 2014–15. The physical archive is housed in the AAR Archaeology Archive and can be consulted v.follo.ext [at] aarome.org (by appointment).