Academy Productions
Archivissima 2021- The Archives Festival
"40 SCATTI IN 4 TEMPI / TIMING 40 SHOTS" - The Photographic Archive presented a short video with a selection of images by four photographers from different generations: Esther Van Deman, Richard W. Ayers, Georgina Masson, and Jeannette Montgomery Barron.
Online: Timing 40 Shots
A View of One’s Own. Three Women Photographers in Rome: Esther Boise Van Deman, Georgina Masson, Jeannette Montgomery Barron
A View of One’s Own was curated by Lindsay Harris, Peter Benson Miller, and Angela Piga. Selections from the holdings of the Photographic Archive of the American Academy in Rome has been curated by Lavinia Ciuffa and the Photographic Archive staff: Maria Sole Fabri, Giulia Ciccarello, and Emiliano G. Di Carlo. The exhibition is part of La Quadriennale in città (16° Quadriennale d’Arte) and FOTOGRAFIA, Festival Internazionale di Roma.
AAR Gallery, October 13–November 27, 2016; Philadelphia, September 6–November 1, 2017.
Paper, Glass, and Plastic: Identification and Care of Photographic Negatives
Masterclass held by Monique Fischer (senior photograph conservator at the Northeast Document Conservation Center in Andover), Lavinia Ciuffa (curator, Photographic Archive, American Academy in Rome), and Sandra M. Petrillo (photograph conservator, SMP Conservation Studio) with the support of the Photographic Archive staff: Maria Sole Fabri, Giulia Ciccarello, and Emiliano G. Di Carlo.
AAR Photo Archive, May 21–23, 2018.
Graphic Arts in Dialogue!
Ars Graphica’s annual workshop brings together a group of international specialists to discuss fundamental and current issues concerning the organization, the study and the preservation of the graphic arts (photographic techniques, processes and history of their use). The American Academy in Rome - Photographic Archive was included in this series of study visits together with the Biblioteca dell’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Istituto Centrale per la Grafica, and the Vatican Library.
AAR Photo Archive, June 22–23, 2017.
Exploring American Daguerrotypes
Masterclass with Jeremy Rowe, president of the Daguerreian Society, board of the Ephemera Society of America, senior research scientist at New York University.
AAR Photo Archive, October 10–13, 2015.
A Question of Time, Rome
Created by Alessandra Capodiferro, Lavinia Ciuffa, Marco Delogu, Matthew Monteith; contributors: Nicola-Louise Brandt, Lindsay Harris, and Francesco Zanot. Photographers 2009: Marco Delogu, Veronique Ellena, Brad Farwell, Matthew Monteith, Luca Nostri, David Spero; photographers 2010: Tim Davis, Marco Delogu, Juan Fabuel, Agnès Geoffray, Graciela Iturbide, Giuliano Matteucci, Tod Papageorge, Leonie Purchas.
AAR Gallery, 2009–10.
Roma antica ricostruita nelle fotografie di Giuseppe Gatteschi
AAR Photo Archive, 2006.
Georgina Masson, 1912–1980: Selections from the Photographic Archive
AAR Gallery, 2003.
Esther B. Van Deman: An Archaeologist’s Eye
New York, 2001–2.
Ernest Nash - Ernst Nathan, 1898–1974. Photographie: Potsdam, Rom, New York
Postdam, 2000.
EXPODEMIC is the second edition of the Festival of Foreign Academies and Cultural Institutes in Rome. This year, the AAR, besides the works of four Fellows in the arts, has added selected materials from its Photographic Archive - Institutional Collection.
Rome, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, April 07–August 25, 2024.
Roma, a portrait
In this first edition of the Festival of Foreign Academies and Cultural Institutes in Rome, the Photographic Archive of the American Academy in Rome, besides the works of two Fellows in the arts, has exhibited a selection of photographs from the Van Deman collection and the Institutional Collection.
Rome, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, May 10–July 30, 2023.
Alfabeto Fotografico Romano
A great Roman exhibition showing photographs from twenty-eight institutions including Soprintendenze, museums, Italian and foreign institutions, and the Vatican Museums. The Photographic Archive of the American Academy in Rome contributed featuring original photographic prints from the Parker, Van Deman collection, the Beato collection, the Masson collection, the Fototeca Unione collection, and also the recently discovered Detweiler collection.
Rome, Palazzo Poli, May 16–July 10, 2017.
Roma dall’alto
Exhibition and catalog edited by M. F. Boemi and C. M. Travaglini, Rome, 2006.
Trastevere: Societá e trasformazioni urbane dall’ottocento ad oggi
Exhibition and catalog edited by C. M. Travaglini et al., Rome, 2008.
Alfabeto Fotografico Romano. Collezioni e Archivi fotografici di Istituzioni culturali in Roma (exhibition catalogue edited by ICG/ICCD), Roma 2017.
A View of One’s Own. Three Women Photographers in Rome: Esther Boise Van Deman, Georgina Masson, Jeannette Montgomery Barron (exhibition catalogue), Roma 2016
A Question of Time (exhibition catalogue edited by Alessandra Capodiferro, Lavinia Ciuffa, Marco Delogu, and Matthew Monteith), Roma 2010.
Roma antica ricostruita nelle fotografie di Giuseppe Gatteschi (exhibition catalogue), Pescara 2006.
Georgina Masson, 1912–1980: Selections from the Photographic Archive (exhibition catalogue edited by A. Capodiferro and C. Lauf), Milan 2003.
A. Capodiferro in Esther Boise Van Deman: An Archaeologist’s Eye, Images from the Photographic Archive, American Academy in Rome (exhibition catalogue), New York 2001.
Ernest Nash - Ernst Nathan, 1898–1974. Photographie: Potsdam, Rom, New York (exhibition catalogue edited by M. R. Alföldi and M. C. Lahusen), Berlin 2000.
Esther B. Van Deman. Images from the Archive of an American Archaeologist in Italy at the Turn of the Century (exhibition catalogue edited by Karin Bull-Simonsen Einaudi), Rome 1991.
Fotografia Archeologica 1865–1914 (exhibition catalogue edited by Karin Bull-Simonsen Einaudi), Rome 1979.